Take me out to the ballgame!


Wednesday was an amazing day! My family and I headed north on Caltrain and made it with plenty of time to enjoy the lovely reception for the finalists and their family and friends. This was my youngest daughter’s first baseball game and she was appropriately excited. I was so glad that my head of school and associate principal could join us for the fun.
The finalists were escorted onto the field for the big announcement.

While we didn’t win the grand prize, for the first time in Comcast All Star Teacher history, each school was given $2000! This was an incredible surprise. I’m looking for suggestions as to how we could use the money.
I want to do something that will impact the entire community 🙂

After the ceremony, we got to watch the game from excellent seats in foul ball territory. My husband is an expert at getting game balls so he took our little one down to the front and at the end of the game a generous player tossed her a ball. Her first game and she wore the three World Series rings, went down the Coca Cola slide at AT&T Park, AND got a game ball.
Overall an exciting experience for all!

Now I get to continue striving to be an All Star Teacher.
Thank you again for all the support and encouragement.

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